Friday, November 19, 2010

The worrier within me

There is an old song from the 1960's called THE WANDERER by Dion. I've included the link here. I like the beat of the song (12 bar blues-base) and changed the words to fit my trembling faith.

Here's the song as I've rewritten it.

Title: "I'm a Worrier"

Here's the chorus: "I'm a worrier, I'm a worrier, I worry round and round and round."

1st verse: "Well I'm the type of gal who likes security, I like to know God is taking care of me. So when I don't see that everything is going to be alright, I get stressed out, freaked out, and uptight."

Chorus: "Oh...I'm a worrier, I'm a worrier, I worry round and round, and round"

2nd verse: "I forget that he promised to provide for me, that he requests I walk by faith, not by what I can see. I forget he gave a gift that set all things right, I forget he says, he's with me in the darkest night."

Chorus: Oh I'm a worrier, I'm a worrier, I worry round and round and round."

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